Have your say

Please use the comments box at the bottom of this page  to give any feed back or suggestions for improvements about any drug or alcohol service in the borough of Islington.

Below, are some of the things we normally ask service users to feed back on but please feel free to comment on any aspect of the services as you wish.

ICDAS Service User Feedback 

  1. How would your rate the following aspects of the service you are currently receiving?
  2. Building (facilities, resources, refreshments, welcome, etc)
  3. The support you receive from your key worker
  4. The support you receive from your nurse/doctor
  5. Other support (groups, complementary therapies, counseling activities, peer support, etc)
  6. How involved you feel in your treatment (being informed of choices, recovery plans, space to give your opinion, etc)
  7. What is most helpful about the services you receiving?
  8. What is least helpful about the services you are receiving?
  9.  What else would you like from the service?

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